The Flow

At the end of my meditation, I often come to this state –

Light energy come into me, through my eyes, as I breathe in,

And I direct all my thoughts, my inner energy, to the area between my eyes, as I breathe out.

I am in this gentle light,

Feeling the interconnection of all existence.

Everything, biological and non-biological, carrying their own energy, in their own forms, their own ways.

My sensing range opens up, to infinity, endless space, endless time…

No longer I am following the breath to my inner self for healing.

Rather, it has turned outwards.

As if I am saying: I am full, now the overflow can freely flow out, freely spread.

This is my desire to pay back to the spirit that has healed me today – it has moved through my heart,
inch by inch, time after time, warming it, restoring it.

Now I can return this kindness, this infinite source of generosity, with all the love, the gratitude it
kindled within me, back to the energy realm, back to the flow.

As I am in that flow.

I feel, I sense, without my mind.

I am surrounded by it, I am part of it, I am also it.

I Am.

So what does that really mean?

In this light, I can see that the universal energy, the flow, encompasses all types of energies.

Be it love, kindness, light, gratitude, openness, creativity, beauty, adventure, curiosity, contentment, or

Be it on the darker side like anger, hatred, resentment, envy, jealousy, feeling of isolation, separateness.

It is all there, up to me to choose, to choose for myself.

Energy moves around me, has the potential of moving in any direction, any shades, any color, any
openness or closed in space.

Will it be a reflection of my own choosing?

I would like to choose love; to choose being light, and open; to choose gratitude; to choose creativity
and curiosity; to choose the courage for adventure, for exploring.

And I hope that these same forms of energy will surround me as I have chosen them.

I also understand that in other states of mind, I may choose the darker side of the energy, without
knowing. Or even with knowing, but cannot help it.

There are still wounds within me that need healing before it can be dissolved.

Like the silver lining behind dark clouds – once the clouds are removed or reduced in intensity, the
lighting may come through, shining brightly once more.

I trust. In that flow I trust.

I trust wherever it takes me, I will be fine. The life within me is aligned with this force.

May be it will take me to places and times or things that I may have never experienced before, to just

With the form of a human being in this life, I would like to experience, the best I can, through the lens of
a human being, through all my capacities, all my senses.

In my younger days, I used to force my way through life with my own strong will. The experiences I
went through, the happy and warm ones, as well as the cold, painful ones, are all the textures of my life,
woven together to make me who I am today. There are no good or bad experiences. They just are…

Those are the spring and summer seasons of my life – the fast pace, the outward engagements, the
desire to achieve, to seek, to experience, to feel secure……

But unbeknownst to me, even during those times, my soul always guided me.

Now as I enter the autumn season of my life, I am learning to enjoy the fruit of the other seasons – all
that sowing, planting, and growing.

Now I can feel the flow that has always carried me.

When I was younger, I was not very much aware of it. At least not in this way, in this direct feeling and

When I look back, I can see that what the flow of life has done for me was beautiful.

It would not have turned any other way, and I am happy with where I am at, in this journey.
Based on that experience, I trust.

The difference between now and in the past is – no longer I am using my own will and the ego mind to
choose how to live. Rather, I am learning to stay in tune with my own inner self, my intuition to live my

Sometimes it takes more patience, more time.

Hey, one of the fruits I have harvested is time.

So why not give it to myself?

I smile to myself, content and grateful.